Relationships, Family Issues, Marital Difficulties, and Discernment

The Science of Trust By: Dr. John Gottman
Hold Me Tight By: Dr. Sue Johnson
How to Know If It's Time to Go By: Dr. Lawrence Birnbach & Dr. Beverly Hyman
Not "Just Friends" By: Dr. Sue Glass
After the Affair By: Janis A. Spring
Nurturing the Soul of Your Family By: Renee Peterson Trudeau
Mother's Guide to Self Renewal By: Renee Peterson Trudeau


Intelligent Divorce By: Dr. Mark Banschick
Divorce Busting By: Michele Weiner-Davis
Difficult Questions Kids Ask About Divorce By: Meg F. Schneider
The Truth about Children and Divorce By: Robert Emery

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Rage

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life By: Dr. Wayne Dyer
4 Agreements By: Luis Miguel Ruiz
Good Enough is the New Perfect By: Rebecca Gillespie and Hollee Temple
Loving What Is By: Byron Katie

Spiritual Developmen

Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho
Way of the Peaceful Warrior By: Dan Millman
Many Lives Many Masters By: Dr. Brian Weiss
Seat of the Soul By: Gary Zukav
Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis By: Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Parenting, Children

Temperament Tools By: Helen Neville & Diane Clark Johnson
Raising Your Spirited Child By: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Easy to Love, Hard to Discipline By: Dr. Becky Bailey
Emotional Mayhem By: Dr. Becky Bailey
How to Talk so Your Children will Listen and How to Listen so Your Child will Talk By: Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Siblings Without Rivalry By: Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Redirecting Children’s Behavior By: Kathryn Kvols
Explosive Child By : Dr.Ross Greene
10 conversations You Need to Have with Your Children By: Shmuley Boteach
Parenting Children With ADHD By: Vincent J. Monastra, Phd

Life Transition

The Artist Way By: Julia Cameron
What Color is Your Parachute By: Richard N. Bolles

Self Compassion

Radical Acceptance By: Tara Brach
Caring for the child Within By: Jane Rowan
The Gifts of Imperfection By: Brenet Brown
Smart Women Know When To Say No By: Dr.Kevin Leman

Grief and Loss

The Other Side Of Darkness By: George A. Bonanno Ph.D.
Understanding Your Grief By : Alan D. Wolfelt

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