Individuals struggling with depression and anxiety understand the debilitating impact this pervasive condition can have on the quality of their lives. It can destroy relationships with those you most care about, afflict your career choices, and it can be ongoing for many years. Each individual has unique difficulties with these symptoms and seek to comfort themselves in their own way. Some people use addictions such as alcohol, drugs, eating, shopping, sex, or work. Others use avoidant coping strategies like organization, TV watching, or computer. Either way, the focus is seek comfort outside of one self as a way to deal and just manage another day.

Some symptoms of depression are:

  • Pervasive feeling of sadness or feeling flat, like life is not fun.
  • Rigid thought patterns- things have to be a certain way.
  • Easily angered, low frustration tolerance, especially around kids.
  • Lack of motivation and interest to explore, learn, or experience new things.
  • Overly critical of yourself and others, always looking for what is wrong or missing.
  • Lack of gratitude or appreciation, don't see the beauty in things.
  • Constantly seeking comfort whether it be food, clothing, or being in bed.

Some symptoms of anxiety are:

  • Fear that something is going to go wrong.
  • Nothing is ever good enough.
  • Repetitive, excessive worry about loved ones, danger, or finances.
  • Feelings of unworthiness, no matter how hard you try, it can always be better.
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleep is not restful.
  • Need to control others and outcomes, excessive preparation.
  • Inability to let go the past as a way to protect yourself from pain in the future.

If you struggle with depression and or anxiety individual therapy is vitally important in providing you with the time and space necessary to retrain your thinking, explore your core struggles and deepen your understanding of how to manage or even heal your life. Strengthening your relationship with your sense of Self is a key component in Olga's individual therapy as a road to begin the path of healing. Olga uses traditional psychotherapy interventions, as well as energy medicine, hypnosis and spiritual work to help her clients enhance their relationship with their inner healing powers.

Olga Bloch is trained by Dr. Diana Fosha in a deeply empathic and transformative approach called AEDP. This method of therapy is relationally based and helps clients strengthen their resiliency through present moment experiences in expanding our own capacities to receive positive emotions. For more information go to:

Call Olga today at (240)252-5967 for a FREE phone consultation, she can help!

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